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My name is Erin! I specialise in family portraiture, primarily newborns!


My studio is located in Franklin St. Traralgon, VICTORIA, Australia.

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Traralgon VIC Australia 3844

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M A T E R N I T Y  T I M E L I N E

Maternity timelines are typically started around 12-15 weeks. We capture your growing belly, once a month during a 20 minutes appointment.




// 20"x 10" Printed Collage

// 1 x 20 minute session per month

// USB Containing all agreed images 

// Maternity Session (around 32-36 weeks)

// Newborn Session

(additional family photos can be included for an additional $50. This is payable

at your final session)



~ $100 is payable before your first session to secure this amazing price! This is to hold your appointment dates and time in my calendar.  This is retained by Little Eyes Photography & Design if your maternity timeline is cancelled, to offset any time spent or loss of business.  


~ Full payment is due by your second session*
~ You may request a payment arrangement. After your $100 is received, you will be invoiced a minimum $50 per month (you may pay more if you wish) to be paid toward your balance. This instalment  MUST be received before your next monthly session. Payments cannot be less than $50 a month (in one payment). Little Eyes Photography reserves the right to cancel your timeline if your payments are not up to date. 


(*unless a payment arrangement is organised with us, prior to your first session)




It's an unfortunate fact that our pets aren't around forever. So having those precious images to keep are SO important. We can do outdoor fun photos or even a cute studio session. You can even have a few pictures taken with your beloved.


You receive:

// A private online gallery with 10 edited images for immediate download.

// A one hour session


PET  SESSION // $130


Y O U R  B U S I N E S S

Your business is your livelihood and these days its presentation on social media AND WEBSITES are SO important! We can take some beautiful photos of your business layout, (inside and out) for you to display as you wish! If you are in the restaurant or cafe biz, you can even have photos taken of food dishes that you'd like to promote! Nothing is out of the realm!

YOUR BUSINESS PACKAGE: (introductory price, subject to change)


// 20 Digital images

// 40 minutes of shooting time

// USB with images plus a private online gallery for immediate download and upload to websites or social media!

(Businesses will be invoiced upon booking)


C A K E  S M A S H

Oh! Where to start! Cake smash sessions are generally booked for a one year old. Basically, a celebration is had, by smashing a cake and having a messy time doing it!


$200.00 (cake not included)

15 images and a digital collage.


We capture:

// Clean (clothed photos)... 

// Cake smash

// bath time images!


** $50 is payable upon booking to secure your date and time. The balance is due

at your session.


I have many talented contacts that can make you a cake! So please let me know if you'd like a quote! The fee above, includes a studio session and a set-up based on your colour scheme or theme! We can work together to create the perfect scene!


B U M P  &  B A B Y


Full maternity / full newborn session.

15 high res images // from both sessions (option to purchase more is always available).


A $100 non refundable deposit is required when booking a 'bump & baby' package. The balance is due AT your maternity shoot. This means, when baby comes along, his or her session is already paid for! 



C A P T U R E  M Y  F A M I L Y

Time is precious, especially when our children are small. 

My style is relaxed and casual - this is reflected in your photos.

These sessions can be full of fun and smiles! 


// 5 people maximum per session ($15 per additional child or adult

**1.5 hour session (Max)


// $240

// 20 (minimum) digital Images


All images are retouched in high resolution and delivered to you through a beautiful, personalised online gallery. These images can be viewed and downloaded from your PC or mobile device. Your gallery is active for three weeks.  Reactivation fees *MAY apply.


*As sourcing and re-loading your personal gallery takes time, a fee may be applicable to re-activate it.


P H O T O- B O O T H

A wonderful addition to a party of any kind! Let your guests dress up and have some individual or group photos taken as a reminder of a fantastic night! Props can be personalised to suit  your occasion. Not available for weddings we are also



// $70 per hour (travel fees may be applicable)



Little Eyes Photography have covered over 25 weddings in total, all in the Gippsland area. Up to an 8 hour coverage is available, capturing pre-wedding preparations, right up until the bouquet toss! Please contact us for pricing

and further photographic examples.


3 Hour Coverage ~ $750

6 Hour Coverage ~ $1100

8 Hour Coverage ~ $1500

All coverage is continuous (meaning time cannot be discounted for things like travel between venues, or when I'm not needed) 50% of total package amount is due upon booking confirmation. In the event of cancellation, all monies paid shall be retained by Little Eyes Photography, in order to offset its loss of business. 


Travel fees may be applicable**


All images are edited in high resolution and provided to you via a beautiful, personalised online gallery and USB.  


P A Y M E N T  I N F O R M A T I O N

To ensure efficiency, all sitting types are invoiced at the time of booking. 

A $50* fee is required to hold your chosen date and time. Once your payment is received, your booking will be confirmed. In the event your sitting in cancelled (under 48 hours from your session), Little Eyes Photography shall retain 100% (Deposit only) of monies paid to offset any loss of business. You will also be required to read and agree to contract terms set out by Little Eyes Photography & Design.


Please note: A $30 break of appointment fee is applicable. This is to cover my assistant fees and utility fees in cases of non contact and subsequent non attendance. We understand there are extenuating circumstances, but contact should 100% be made if you cannot attend.

*Amount payable is subject to the type of session you've booked.

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        N E W B O R N

Our Newborn package is definitely our most popular! These sessions can run for up to 2 hours, including a maximum 3 setups (depending on how babe is going!)

// $240 (minimum 20 digital images) 

+ Family photos (incl. sibling) add $50



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